
As a teacher, I find that the number one way to ensure South Carolina is prepared for the future is by ensuring that our children get a top-notch education. There are many ways that we can ensure that our education system improves. Many of them come back to the idea of innovation. If we want to see a change in our schools, we must cut red tape and allow districts, schools, and teachers to be innovators. We can improve our education system in many ways, and I have categorized a few of them below.

Addressing the Teacher shortage by:

  • unencumbered planning time

  • reform salary structure

  • streamlined evaluation process

  • allow innovation in teacher certification programs

Modernize Testing and Instructional items by:

  • reduction of state testing not required by federal law

  • protection of instructional time by limiting the percentage of the time that can be used for state and district testing or benchmarks to 3% or less

  • competency-based education instead of simply seat time

Governmental clarity

  • strengthening local control of education

  • clarification and streamlining of the different state agencies that control education (SCDE, EOC, and State Board)

  • financial transparency to see where districts are using funds and making sure the money is making it to the classroom and not feeding the bureaucracy.

These are just a few ways to make sure that our education is improved and able to provide a quality education for every student in South Carolina, but there are many other ways and education should be a priority as we try to reverse the negative impact that the pandemic has had on our students.